Multithreading is hard, and unless you have years of experience (and/or lots of patience debugging) you should NEVER write your own synchronization primitives.

So to help out all the “async noobs”, here is my C#  implementation of an excellent lock-free queue paper.

If you don’t know what a “lock-free” algorithm is, this code is really not for your consumption, as it is going to be a bit too advanced.  If you are an ‘asynchronous beginner’ or even an expert, the best book on the subject I’ve seen is “The Art of Multiprocessor Programming” so give that a read.

And yes, this is in C#.  If you are a C/C++ developer, weep your bitter tears  :)

  	/// A lock-free queue.
  Usage Note: thread safe, fast performance
  	/// by jason swearingen, copyright novaleaf software.  all rights reserved.
  Released under the MSPL:
  idea / core algorithm taken from
  	/// inline comments are direct transcriptions of this paper's psudocode (thus this queue is virtually a 1:1 implementation of this awesome paper)
  	public class SafeQueue
  		//structure pointer t fptr: pointer to node t, count: unsigned integerg
  		//structure node t fvalue: data type, next: pointer tg
  		private class Node
  			public Node next;
  			public T value;
  #if DEBUG
  		public int Count
  				return _count;
  		//structure queue t fHead: pointer t, Tail: pointer tg
  		private Node _head, _tail;
  		public SafeQueue()
  			//initialize(Q: pointer to queue t)
  			//node = new node() # Allocate a free node
  			//node–>next.ptr = NULL # Make it the only node in the linked list
  			//Q–>Head = Q–>Tail = node # Both Head and Tail point to it
  			_head = _tail = new Node();
  		private volatile int _count = 0;
  		public bool IsEmpty
  			get { return _count == 0; }
  		//enqueue(Q: pointer to queue t, value: data type)
  		public virtual void Enqueue(T value)
  			Enqueue(ref value);
  		public virtual void Enqueue(ref T value)
  			//E1: node = new node() # Allocate a new node from the free list
  			//E2: node–>value = value # Copy enqueued value into node
  			//E3: node–>next.ptr = NULL # SafeSet next pointer of node to NULL
  			Node toAdd = new Node();
  			toAdd.value = value;
  			Node tail = null;
  			Node temp;
  			//E4: loop # Keep trying until Enqueue is done
  			while (true)
  				//E5: tail = Q–>Tail # Read Tail.ptr and Tail.count together
  				//E6: next = tail.ptr–>next # Read next ptr and count fields together
  				tail = this._tail;
  				Node next =;
  				//E7: if tail == Q–>Tail # Are tail and next consistent?
  				if (Node.ReferenceEquals(tail, this._tail))
  					//E8: if next.ptr == NULL # Was Tail pointing to the last node?
  					if (next == null)
  						//E9: if CAS(&tail.ptr–>next, next, ) # Try to link node at the end of the linked list
  						temp = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref, toAdd, next);
  						if (Node.ReferenceEquals(temp, next))
  							//E10: break # Enqueue is done. Exit loop
  							//E11: endif
  					}//E12: else # Tail was not pointing to the last node
  						//E13: CAS(&Q–>Tail, tail, ) # Try to swing Tail to the next node for try again
  						Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref this._tail, next, tail);
  						//E14: endif
  					//E15: endif
  				//E16: endloop
  			//E17: CAS(&Q–>Tail, tail, ) # Enqueue is done. Try to swing Tail to the inserted node
  			Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref this._tail, toAdd, tail);
  			Interlocked.Increment(ref _count);
  		//dequeue(Q: pointer to queue t, pvalue: pointer to data type): boolean
  		/// false if unable to dequeue
  		public virtual bool Dequeue(out T value)
  			//D1: loop # Keep trying until Dequeue is done
  			while (true)
  				//D2: head = Q–>Head # Read Head
  				//D3: tail = Q–>Tail # Read Tail
  				//D4: next = head–>next # Read Head.ptr–>next
  				Node head = this._head;
  				Node tail = this._tail;
  				Node next =;
  				Node temp;
  				//D5: if head == Q–>Head # Are head, tail, and next consistent?
  				//if (Node.ReferenceEquals(head, this._head))
  				if (head == this._head)
  					//D6: if head.ptr == tail.ptr # Is queue empty or Tail falling behind?
  					//if (Node.ReferenceEquals(head, tail))
  					if (head == tail)
  						//D7: if next.ptr == NULL # Is queue empty?
  						if (next == null)
  							//D8: return FALSE # Queue is empty, couldn’t dequeue
  							value = default(T);
  							return false;
  							//D9: endif
  						//D10: CAS(&Q–>Tail, tail, ) # Tail is falling behind. Try to advance it
  						Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref this._tail, next, tail);
  						//D11: else # No need to deal with Tail
  						//# Read value before CAS, otherwise another dequeue might free the next node
  						//D12: *pvalue = next.ptr–>value
  						value = next.value;
  						//D13: if CAS(&Q–>Head, head, ) # Try to swing Head to the next node
  						temp = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref this._head, next, head);
  						//if (Node.ReferenceEquals(temp, head))
  						if (temp == head)
  							//D14: break # Dequeue is done. Exit loop
  							//D15: endif
  						//D16: endif
  					//D17: endif
  				//D18: endloop
  			Interlocked.Decrement(ref _count);
  			//D19: free(head.ptr) # It is safe now to free the old dummy node
  			//D20: return TRUE # Queue was not empty, dequeue succeeded
  			return true;

If you are using .NET 4.0, you probably don’t need this, as TPF has a lot of great (new) synchronization primitives. But if you don’t use .NET 4, or if you really want to learn how to create a great lock-free algorithm, this is my contribution to you :)

alright!  Ending, I have an appology.

I’ve been busy the last 2 weeks on thread-safety and thus can forgive me :)

Got any questions/concerns/complains!  COMMENT BELOW!

About the author:

Novaleaf Game Studios (in Bangkok Thailand).
You can reach Jason via email (jasons aat novaleaf doot coom), or twitter (@jasons_novaleaf).