Reposted from my blog at
My game Damzel is a game set in a city. The city itself is alive with AI-based people. But I wanted the city to have a nice aesthetic to it too. Luckily, there’s a good example in Mirrors Edge. I knew it was built with the Unreal engine, so I decided to see if there was any way to fly around it and see how they build the levels in it.
And there is! So I thought it might be useful to fly around and describe some of the tricks they used in creating such a beautiful vista, whilst keeping the game running smoothly.Here we go!!
Interesting! first, the lightmaps still look pretty nice at this level. Flying around the level you notice that many of the buildings are actually poking through the ground rather than set on it. It doesn’t matter to ME because its set on the tops of the buildings, but it does look a tad weird.
Next up are the ambient objects. In this case pedestrians and cars. There is a central “highway” in this level, which has cars that run occasionally down the road. Pedestrians also walk occasionally up and down the paths. One thing to notice, is that pedestrians and cars run along prescribed paths. They literally follow straight lines, which while not realistic, makes moving them a lot easier. The pedestrians themselves are very low poly, because they only contribute a few pixels to the screen most of the time (viewed from the rooftops). An interesting aside is the police car flashing light, which is just a billboarded (facing flat to the camera) flashing sprite texture.
Above is a view of a building in the middle ground. Notice that the building itself uses black and white textures? This is because the distance fogging (see next shot) tends to push the colour of buildings towards a pale blue as distance to them increases, so it has the effect of looking like atmospheric scattering. I’m actually thinking of using a rayleigh/mie scattering term, but maybe just pushing all colours towards light blue based on distance from camera is enough.
Here’s a shot of the fog volume, its more noticable when you reach the edge of the volume because you can see the contast between pixels in the volume and those outside of it.
The interesting thing about ME leveles is that they tend to have quite contrasting levels of detail at different parts of the level. The inner “ring” meshes are all reasonably high detail at the rooftop level near the play area. Then we have medium detail meshes for the city blocks inside the inner area but outside the play area. Then we have a sort of “no mans land” which doesnt even draw the skybox (you can see that here, where it doesnt draw the skybox/dome and you see overdraw of the inner mesh details). That is then ringed by a lower poly outer mesh set, which entails a set of randomly placed buildings and some low poly landscape heightfield meshes.
Here’s a shot of the landscape and outer meshes, where you can still see the inner mesh set. Notice the large gap between them? I think thats likely there to give a sense of parallax with the outer blocks. Whats interesting is that those outer buildings are literally just boxes with simple textures on. Nothing particularly fancy about that, although there is a single landmark building that has a low res environment map on it (a sort of blue environment map).
And finally, on the outer edges, we have a set of billboard “skyline” quads with an alpha edged texture of a bunch of buildings in it. Those are laid out at the edges of the low res mesh area to make sure you never see a flat edge from any viewpoint while youre running around the rooftops. They are distant enough and fogged enough that you hardly notice them, but they do break up the skyline quite nicely.
So it appears that the key to rendering a nice city scene from the mirrors edge point of view, is the inner core meshes having reasonably high poly buildings with nice global illumination based lightmaps, many of them using a single environment map as reflection over a base texture in the windows. Followed by a lower resolution set of outter buildings for parallax. Ringed by an further set of flat quads to break up the skyline, alongside a few heightfields to suggest mountains on one side and reflected water near the other for added interest.