Inspiration: Where can I get some?
This is probably the most important question for any game designer. I ask myself often, where do I get my inspiration? Follow me as I attempt to answer what makes me tick.
Let me tell you about Feira do Livro de Lisboa (Lisbon Book Fair). It’s an annual event that gathers all of Portugal’s book publishers on one of our best parks, Parque Eduardo VII, and incites people to read more. It’s a perfect getaway in the center of the town, near Marquês de Pombal, a must for sunny days and hot spring nights.
Finally, I bought the first three volumes of The Metabarons translated into Portuguese. The Metabarons is one of Alejandro Jodorowsky comic book masterpieces. If you think you don’t know who the hell Jodorowsky is, but you have played No More Heroes, then you already know one of Suda 51′s inspirations!
I always get my best ideas while talking with people, be it over lunch, chatting online, or just making small talk. That gives you the ideas.
Afterwards comes research, and proper research of your target theme is a must! If you love games, play them. If you love film noir, watch movies, read books and comics about them.
Third comes the actual work, and it’s very difficult to concentrate, especially during surges of new ideas and second hand research. Just maintain your head clear and organize what you need for the task at hand. Listen to some music, and inspiring music isn’t a genre, it’s the music you like the most.
If you have your ideas and your research in motion, start coding. And then blog about it!