In what I hope becomes a regular feature, we gather around in a Google Hangout to try our first Virtual Panel.

For our first panel it was suggested we don’t set an agenda and open it up to all AltDevBlog authors. Richard is working on a transcript, but as he says he talks fast ;-) Apologies for the sound levels, in the long term I hope to make use of Google Hangouts, “On Air” functionality which enables broadcast and recording. Brief summary below of the discussion.

Topics Discussed

  • Has “how” you get into the industry changed over the last few years?
  • Interview processes
  • Dealing with player feedback
  • Good Usability and Collection of Feedback
  • How can Indies get good feedback
  • Business Intelligence
  • Audio Levels


Cameo from

Finally we did agree an agenda or pool of agenda topics needs to be gathered to focus the discussion. It was also suggested that if the community would like, and the author has time is a post-blog post hangout to discuss the article would be a nice focal point. At the moment its a bit of faff with software and such. Though once the “On Air” functionality is rolled out Google+ should handle the broadcasting and recording to YouTube pretty seamlessly. I’m hoping to work with other AltDevBlog authors to bring move Virtual Panel discussions to AltDevBlog.

I hope you enjoy the discussion.