In this generation of computer graphics, Photon mapping is one of the GI technique using particle tracing to compute images in offline rendering. Photon mapping is an easy to implement technique, so I choose to learn it and my target is to bake light map storing indirect diffuse lighting information using the photon map. Photon mapping consists of 2 passes: photon map pass and render pass, which will be described below.
Photon Map Pass
In this pass, photons will be casted into the scene from the position of light source. Each photon store packet of energy. When photon hits a surface of the scene, the photon will either be reflected (either diffusely or specularly), transmitted or absorbed, which is determined by Russian roulette.
Photons are traced in the scene to simulate the light transportation |
However, it is more convenient to store radiance than storing energy in photon because when using punctual light source(e.g. point light), it is hard to compute the energy emits given the light source radiance. So I use the method described in Physically Based Rendering, a weight of radiance is stored in each photon: